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A business discussion community that discusses relevant and important topics that effect startups.

Why a Writer’s Process is So Important
Give your writer's process a kick in the ass and use it as much as you can on a daily basis. Tired of no traffic to your blog? Can’t get motivated to write because you don’t have a clue what to write about? Then read on because I am going to explain the most important...

Is Your Productivity in Chaos?
Is your productivity in chaos? Productivity should be the cornerstone of your business life. Feeling low and out of sorts? Tired of the same old humdrum of a day. Even worse are you going into a deep hole of depression? Not getting things accomplished. Not...

Discover 5 Steps to Successful Freelance Blogging
I will tell you the one thing that freaked me out about freelance blogging. So, you decided to get into freelance blogging. I’ll bet you are tired of being a puppet working for a major corporation. Well, my friend, there are 5 things you need to know right off the...
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